EDUCORD is a fully integrated, automated and Web based software solution for schools

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Features For Admin & Teachers


Add a new admission candidate and collect fees at the counter before admission

Content Management System

Offers maximum flexibility in building websites for schools and educational organizations.


It provides all of the academic history of a student. It helps in noting down the scoring of each and every student.

Time Table

The timetable allows students to know exactly when a specific subject is scheduled.

Library Management

We can manage library books ,Issue and return details etc.


Put an image, video, animation, or anything else in the screen!

Features For Students & Parents


The details about the students transport to parents and access the driver information


Student’s attendance details act as a tool to identify irregularities in the academic interests of the student.

Fee Management

Schedule different types of fees (school fees/ transport fees etc.) & choose frequency for collection of fees.


By displaying school events, after school club activities,it creates a sense of community for the school.

SMS Alerts

sending information to as many recipients: students, teachers or parents, as quickly as possible

Enquiry Management

Different types of enquires for the school admission process.

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